2024 LHA PR & Marketing Constituency Group Meeting

The LHA PR & Marketing Constituency Group Meeting is held exclusively for PR, marketing, and graphic design professionals who work for an LHA member hospital.


This meeting offers a tremendous opportunity for hospital communication colleagues to share resources, insights, and best practices and will include:

  • An update from the LHA and the American Hospital Association;
  • Roundtable discussions and a best-practice sharing session on multiple timely topics;
  • A presentation from Eric Morgan with Morgan & Company on Gaining Traction Through Social Media with Best Practices;
  • Networking with peers; and
  • Lunch for attendees.

There is no fee to attend (so a cancellation fee does not apply). 

Before you check out and confirm registration, submit topic suggestions for the roundtable discussions and best practices sharing session. These are topics that you would be discussing in detail with your colleagues (for example, how are others using AI; what vendors are others using for various tasks; and how are others responding to specific media inquiries). You can also email topic suggestions to [email protected]

8/15/2024 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Daylight Time
LHA Conference Center 2334 Weymouth Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70809 UNITED STATES
Registration not available.

Sign In

REGISTRATION: Registrations are accepted online only. VISA, Master Card, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Email confirmations will be sent to registrants upon completion of registration. To ensure timely delivery of instructions and handouts, and inclusion on the attendee list, registrations should be completed online one week prior to the event. Program materials are the intellectual property of the speakers and are not meant to be shared with anyone other than registered participants. 

CANCELLATION POLICY: Individuals who cancel more than seven business days prior to a scheduled event will be charged a cancellation fee of $50 per person unless the registration fee is complimentary. Written notice of the cancellation must be emailed to [email protected]. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received within seven business days of the event or for no-shows. 

SUBSTITUTION POLICY: Registrants who are unable to participate in an LHA educational event are permitted and encouraged to have an eligible substitute; however, written notice of the substitution must be emailed to [email protected] at least seven business days in advance of the event. The substitution option is not available if written notification is received by the LHA less than seven business days before the scheduled program. 

ACCOMMODATIONS: Please contact the LHA if you have a disability that may require special accommodations for this educational opportunity. The LHA is committed to ensuring full accessibility for all registrants.